I went to La Ceiba, Honduras in September (pics on Facebook) and I had an amazing time. Had my first canopy/zip lining tour where our guide tried getting us to eat termites from his hand! We met other Foreign teachers that were also vacationing and in discussion with them I realize how lucky I am to be teaching at the school where I am. Our hostel experience was incredible...had a cliff jumping spot into the river which, unfortunately gave the BIGGEST wedgie after jumping but it was SO fun! I also white water HIKED which ended up being a personal highlight of the weekend! One day we took a tour out to Cayos Cochinos - islands where people live with NO electricity. The residents of the island have a history on how they came to Honduras (slaves but bc of ship wreck they ended up living there???) but they have brought their culture to HOnduras and Honduras has accepted and adopted part of their culture as their own...one example The Punta dance. On the island I was able to enjoy my first ever REAL, EYES ON PLATE, FRIED FISH. Literally the creepies thing I've ever eaten and also the TASTIEST thing I've ever eaten! Sometimes it is good to go outside your comfort zone. Also on this tour I was able to hold a Boa Rosada (pink boa) which is only found on that island! Our boat ride back to the mainland was breathtaking...we saw at least 4 tornado clouds hitting the water in the distance and then we were in a torrential downpour for at least 30 minutes! It was insane! Seriously check out the pics on Facebook!
Since then, a lot has happened. Let me see...
One of our foreign teachers returned home after being sick for sometime from the food and the stress
of our job!
of our job!
Our superintendent/HS Principle is no longer working at our school (*reminder this is the 2nd HS
Principle I've had since moving here...anyone sense that something isn't right here?)
Principle I've had since moving here...anyone sense that something isn't right here?)
I've made a few more friends from school!
We've had several more celebrations at school (which means less days of teaching for me!)!
I went to a Honduran soccer game (professional and city league) which was a blast. The professional
game was between Tegucigalpas two teams, Montagua and Olympia. This was an experience that I
can't begin to describe and unfortunately I don't have photos either...bc it wasn't safe to have my camera out...shhh! But these fans were like wild dogs who could not be controlled...scary but entertaining! :)
We got the tickets bc the owner of Montagua works out at our gym and Kristi has made friends with him! It was nice! I plan on going back! I also went to a local game where Sarahs fiance, Nahun, was playing!
This again was some good tastes of culture! I stuck out like a sore thumb but I didn't really care...there
were plenty of athletic Honduran men to keep me entertained...haha. Just kidding! I think I may be a
soccer fan by the time I leave this country! :)
game was between Tegucigalpas two teams, Montagua and Olympia. This was an experience that I
can't begin to describe and unfortunately I don't have photos either...bc it wasn't safe to have my camera out...shhh! But these fans were like wild dogs who could not be controlled...scary but entertaining! :)
We got the tickets bc the owner of Montagua works out at our gym and Kristi has made friends with him! It was nice! I plan on going back! I also went to a local game where Sarahs fiance, Nahun, was playing!
This again was some good tastes of culture! I stuck out like a sore thumb but I didn't really care...there
were plenty of athletic Honduran men to keep me entertained...haha. Just kidding! I think I may be a
soccer fan by the time I leave this country! :)
Que mas?
Animal Planet Honduras was at Wal Mart the other day so we got to see some cool reptiles!!!
Found a DELICIOUS Creperia to eat at...really helps with the diet! haha.
There were more but I thought I would spare you...I don't want you getting too hungry! :)
Ate at a new Mexican restaurant Tacontento which was quite tasty...
This was all for me! Ahh!!!
Just kidding by the way...there were four of us to share the big plate...but I was a main culprit in finishing it! :)
As you can see, Jenn and I are bak to being our usual selves! haha AHH: funny story here. Jenn went to the
bathroomand after a LONG time, we were getting worried, thinking maybe she was sick, right? So I go into the
bathroomand check and at that time she is just walking out of the stall. I give her a puzzled look asking if she is
okay and she begins to explain that we was LOCKED IN THE STALL! HHAHA!!! She couldn't get the door open and
she kept trying to ask for help but the other ladies in the restroom weren't responding...and Jenn was even trying to
use her Spanish! HILARIOUS! We had quite the laugh after that one!
And now to almost the present...about 2 weeks ago we had a 3day weekend so Jenn and I decided to get
out of dodge (aka Tegus) but we weren't sure where to go for such a short time...plus we needed it to be
cheap. So, we were talking to a coworker who is from La Ceiba and he was going there for the
weekend...so we thought we would join him! SO we went back to the beloved city we had visited just
a month earlier! We even stayed in the same hostel and it was so nice recognizing people and being
recognized in return! Some of the workers even remembered us! So, our journey started at 4:30 am on
Saturday morning when our taxi picked us up to take us to the bus station...Eew! ha. The bus ride was
boring so I'll spare you the details, but from Tegus to La Ceiba (with one 45 min stop) it took us 8 hours!
It was almost unbearable! BUT we made it on limited spanish and no one tried bothering us! The bus
guy even tried making us put our backpacks down under with the other luggage and I got to argue with
him, in spanish, about why we NEEDED our bags with us...I won! We went to our hostel first thing to
drop off all of our stuff. And take a quick nap/rest since we'd been cramped on the bus for so long with
crappy sleep!
Our room! Same one as our last trip!!!
THe bummer part to this trip was it was raining when we got there and pretty much didn't stop until our
weekend was over, with the exception of spastic hours through each day. Our first adventure was to the
mall where we were able to have coffee, buy some clothes, and our favorite part - get our hair washed at
the salon! Only $3 to let someone else wash my hair...SO WORTH IT! I then proceeded to get my hair
cut because it was NASTY long! haha. I was scared but they did an okay job. I was nervous trying to
explain what I wanted in Spanish...not something I really wanted to screw up on...but i think i made my
point clear enough. After shopping/walking for quite some time our friend David called and picked us up
for dinner. We went and ate out and enjoyed some nice conversation. We also went to see a movie.
Jenn and I weren't really excited bc David picked the movie and it was Gigante de Acero (Real Steel) and
we were thinking...robots? Really? He is such a oy! Then when we get into the movie he tells us he's
already seen it! WHAT? Oh well, too late now. SO we watch...and literally within 15 minutes I'm captured...and turns out it was an AWESOME movie (in my opinion!) And watching a movie in
Honduras is a very different experience bc most ppl aren't that quiet...so when I was getting into the
movie and talking back to it...I didn't get yelled at or popcorn thrown at me! :) Anyway, we had a good
time together.
Sunday we slept in...we were supposed to go get massages but nothing was open on Sunday so instead
we walked back to the mall for coffee and then David picked us up again and took us to his house where
we had the chance to meet his family! And we had lunch over there which ended up being such a
blessing because I haven't had a family meal since leaving the states...so it was nice to sit around a table
with a home cooked meal and a family feel to conversation and such. His mom is a principle at a
Christian school in La Ceiba and his father preaches at the church that the school is associated with. SO,
his mother is bilingual and was SOOOO very nice! We met his brothers and sisters and at one point we
were playing guitar hero all together then we had an UNO competition! OH and that afternoon we went
to another Soccer Game which was fun...not near as crazy as my first soccer experience here but we still
had a good time...
Victoria is the team we were cheering for...but they didn't win. :(
After the game we toured the school and then went back to their house for a bit. We weren't sure what
else to do but then David and his brother Jimmy took us to a go cart place and we got to drive go carts.
This was an exciting adventure. The place only had 3 working cars...which should have been a sign!
haha. So Jenn, David, and I were the three to start. My car wouldn't start at first so I got a late start to
the other two. Then, Jenn traded cout with Jimmy and by that time I had caught up with David so I was
trying to race him...well there is a part in the track that was still wet from rain and long story short...I
whipped around the corner and hydroplaned which caused me to crash into the corner of one wall -
projecting me out of my seat (bc the seatbelt didn't work) and throwing me into another wall which then
stopped all motion of the car. It was the scariest AND most exciting part of the night! I was unharmed
"Gracias a Dios" but it was pretty scary. I took it much slower for the remaining time!
This was before the crash!
After that is when we returned to their house for games and such. Eventually David took us back to the
hostel to get some rest before our bus ride back on Monday! Our ride home was worse than the first.
Luckily the first 4 hours the bus was next to empty so Jenn and I were able to spread out and sleep a bit
better. But when we had our stop...instead of 45 minutes - it was a 2.5 hour layover!!! NOO!!!!! So in
waiting for our next portion, we made a friend and went to the upstairs of the bus terminal which was a
huge mall/market place. We found lunch and killed some time. Our new friend only spoke Spanish so
we had fun practicing with her. She was super nice...heading to Tegus to visit her boyfriend...her ONE
way bus was longer than the time she even had to spend with him before she had to return again...I felt
awful for her. Anyway, we reached Tegus at 7ish at night (which was DARK) and we really didn't
know where we were. We called for a taxi but everyone had cleared out pretty fast so here we were, two
white girls, standing on the side of the street in the dark not sure what to do. We remained calm, prayed
a few prayers, and eventually our taxi came to take us home. Overall we had a splendid time but we
learned some along the way. Next time we will take a DIFFERENT bus company to avoid the stupid
layovers AND to save us money bc ours was more expensive than others. Anyway, it was a successful
weekend and we hope we can do it again sometime!
Since then, it's been all work, little play. The dynamic has changed not having our other foreign hire
around so we are trying to do more together so noone gets lonely! OH - the school called us foreign
hires in after the one went home and we had a little heart to heart about how we were feeling. We told
the school how we felt and what things we needed changed in order to keep us all here...and I've actually
noticed a difference! So good things are happening. One of those changes is that they took us shopping
to buy things for our house...the most exciting being PAINT! We have colored walls FINALLY and it
totally changes the feel! It's outstanding! Our downstairs is a grayish purple and upstairs is bright
turquoise! It's very inviting! We also got chairs for our patio and have already enjoyed a cup of coffee
out there taking in the beautiful weather and scenery! Life here really isn't so bad after all. It's taken me
a while to say that...but I'm finally fitting in.
I continue to work on my Spanish. I'm getting better but no where close to where I want to be. It's funny
how I expect all my students to do their homework overnight...and then I realize I haven't done any of
mine! Oops! I suppose I should lead by example! I'm finally adjusting to the ways of the school...there
are still extremely frustrating days but I realize most things I can't change so I just have to deal with
it...and smiling makes it a little better! We found out we can 'rent' a driver for the weekends if we want
to go places so we'll be doing that sometime soon!
Not sure what will happen for Thanksgiving yet...possibly visiting Roatan (an tourists island :) bc some
of our friends we met on our first trip will be there! It will be hard being away from family...but my flight
home for Christmas is only 44 days away!!! YEAH!
Well, thanks for catching up on my journey. I apologize again for it's lateness. I'll try harder next time!
A few pics I forgot...
Getting pampered at the salon!
This HUGE bump came out of nowhere in the morning. Luckily it went away within hours but we were a little worried!
This was practically Davids front yard! Amazing!
At the school/church
Rockin it out to rock band!
And this picture is for the sole purpose of capturing the kids shirt. It says:
"Free Chorizo" with an arrow pointing down!
Well, that's all for now. God Bless everyone! Thanks for your prayers...God is faithful!
OH: Had parent teacher conferences...of the 19 parents who came to see me - not one of them was
mad at me! I was awful nervous but it went very well! Thanks to God!