Saturday, September 1, 2012

Year 2 - What Was I Thinking?

Hello readers!  I know, I know...we haven't communicated in SOOO long.  Well, here I am so let's not focus on the past!  :)

I want to start by saying I had one of the best summers home even though it was only 3 short weeks!  I know I wasn't able to see all of you but unfortunately that's just the way the cookie crumbled.  But those of you I saw - you made my heart happy!  THANK YOU!  I spent time with the folks (even though they would argue that I was out of the house more than i was in), I got to see where my brother and his wife (and baby) live, my best friend from elementary school made a trip to KC to see me (Haley Paxson - I love you!), I went salsa dancing (believe it or not I danced more in KC than I do in Honduras...weird, right?), I had a wonderful trip to Wichita to spend time with Tiffani - my bff - and had the pleasure of grilling her boyfriend before I approved :), and I got to spend a few days visiting some wonderful friends with their ADORABLE little ninos/ninas!  I ate great american food and spent lots of time on the couch relaxing!  Those three weeks made it extremely difficult to return to my temporary home in Honduras.  But alas, I made it back and lifes routine kicked in quite quickly.

I arrived on Saturday, Aug 4 and teachers started meeting on the following Monday.  We had a fairly busy week not only with work but the gringa clan decided to start the Body for Life program which meant working out....IN THE MORNING!  Our teacher week was a good trial run to see if we could all actually wake up bw 5 and 6 to go workout - twas a success (we just finished our first month and haven't missed a day.  I'm down 5 pounds!).  Aside from school work and working out, we also had a big MOVE when we welcomed Lindsey into our home.  Lindsey worked with us last year but lived in the other school house.  Her roommate finished her contract last year and therefore left Lindsey by herself in a 4 bedroom home...and that can get a little creepy here in Honduras so she moved in with us.  I must say, we are all getting along VERY well compared to how we all thought it was going to be!  So for those who have been praying for a smooth living transition for us - it worked and I thank you - and God of course!

So on to the crazy stuff - school.  When I told people that I decided to come back and finish my contract, I told them it was because I believed it would be easier the second time around.  I knew what I was getting myself into, we have a new superintendent so things would be ran better, I knew the kids, etc.  WELL - silly me for thinking any of that!  I felt like I have had to start over from scratch...and I suppose the beginning of the year last year is too far in the past for me to remember some of the things I had to deal with...but I was reminded with a slap in the face again this year.
As most of you know, as I was flying back here to start my second year I had no idea which classes I would be teaching and no idea what classroom I would be teaching in.  I found out on the 2nd or 3rd day of teacher week that I would be keeping my old classroom (what a relief, right?).  Well, unfortunately the end of last year since we were told we would be moving rooms, we moved out ALL the desks and traded them for less quality desks.  So staying in my room meant that we had to move ALL the desks AGAIN before we could begin setting up the rooms.  Fortunately the school maintenance staff helped with this battle so it wasn't near as bad as the first time around!  I got my schedule the next day or wasn't horrible...but I was a wee bit bummed because I would not have a lot of my students from last year (which I grew to LOVE).  But I dealt...until I was told that my schedule had changed and they took away the one class I was most looking forward to teaching.  So a few tears later, I adapted and began to prepare.  This second revision of my class (just days before students would be here) was actually quite nice because I had taught the classes last year so I wouldn't have to do any new planning!  I began seeing all the upsides to this new schedule (only 10th and 11th graders).  Well, the Sunday before classes started, I went up to the school to finish some things in my classroom.  As I was finishing up, the principle came to me and started a sentence with "Miss Sierra please don't be mad but we had to do it in order to make the schedules work!"  My stomach dropped and water began to fill my eyes instantly - I knew where this was going...
My ENTIRE schedule had changed (along with the other math teachers') and I am now teaching 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade!  Bye bye easy year and welcome back to having FIVE different classes to prepare for!  Now, I've taught the 10th and 11th grade classes so I shouldn't have to totally re-invent the wheel for them but the other challenges!  BUT the upside is that I've always wondered if I would like teaching middle school so now I get to test it out.  And I love the senior class this year so being able to teach them will be a delight for me!  SO - it wasn't ideal news for the day before school but we all had to deal and we're getting used to the craziness.
I'm exhausted at the end of each day because I teach from 8 to 12:15 with only a 30 min lunch break before my last class.  THe plus is that I have the last 2 hours of the day free - but by the time I get there all I can do is sit at my desk and stare at the walls!  :)

I did resume the position of STUCO Sponsor this year and I can't be more excited about the council this year!  We have some very motivated and creative kids!  They have already written a proposal to change a school policy.  We've got lots of creative ideas for events and such and I just adore all of them. The President is the BEST - He is SOOOO enthusiastic and happy ALL the time and he really does take a lot of pride in his school.  I really hope we can make some differences in the school this year with this team!

So - overall I have had my ups and downs for sure but I'm glad I'm back.  And I'm glad this is the last year!  Haha!  On a sadder note - because I am here I am missing some pretty major events back home.
My cousin Alyssa is getting married TODAY (the first female cousin to tie the knot) and my new baby niece is to be born this month - it kills me not to be home for these occasions!  Welcome to the real world I suppose.  Anyway, I miss you all!  But I am making some wonderful memories and wonderful friends!  I am still so very thankful for the opportunity to live here and I'm looking forward to the next phase (wherever that may be  ;)

Take care all.  Another month or two and I'll catch you back up to date!  Peace!