And you'll LOVE this next one!
These bad boys think they're going to be my class pets but after 30 seconds of straight ant killer, I think they got my message!
My new room is definitely smaller than the first and I don't have an office...but I'll make due! :)
I still haven't received ANY room supplies yet so it is very boring. I'm not even sure if I'll get time to decorate before the year starts, which kinda sucks! But then again it's HS and the kids will get over it!
OH - something that happened that morning...I woke up and got ready to get in the shower and I discover WE HAVE NO WATER! Again, Honduras do you hate me? I had been sick and hadn't showered in a couple days already and now I can't shower on the day I meet my entire staff? Great, just great. The only solution we had was dry shampoo that Jenn generously let me use...
It's a good look I think! haha. So, I made due and sprayed myself down with perfume and I don't think too many ppl noticed!
Thursday was a good day because it was our ONE WEEK anniversary! We started with more meetings and ended with working in our room. I thought I was being productive by looking through books and trying to plan but the next thing I noticed it was 3:30 and I had nothing to show for my 2-3 hours in my room. I hate that! But, the evening was good because Jenn and I made a celebration cake for our first week and we took it to the other house and chilled for a bit!
Friday started rough because the reality hit that next week school started and I still had NO IDEA what I was doing. We met as a math department (3 HS teachers and 2 middle school) and seriously spent 2 hours deciding on our grading scale! Ridiculous! Then we met again later to talk about curriculum and in this meeting I just about lost my cool because I was drowning in all the paperwork I had to do. And the thing is, some of us are teaching the same thing, so why are we all creating our own documents. Can't we share? Don't get me wrong, the dept head has done ALOT and given men ALOT but I still feel lost and confused. At the days end however good news came!
Our cellphones were ready for pick up! Granted from the time of that announcement and the time we actually GOT our phones, a few hours had passed - but who's counting?! And on top of that more good news came...the rest of our boxes finally arrived!
This was Jenns biggest box that carried pretty much her entire life. It was muy grande!
And my boxes were a bit beat up but I was still happy! Now I have clothes and cookbooks! :)
Our boxes pretty much absorbed the rest of our night. Jenn ended up staying up until 2 putting everything away. I was too tired and stressed to care that much so I just piled stuff up and went to bed. Saturday started well. I woke up early and deleted over 950 emails! The unfortunate thing is that is the only thing I did all day! We have cable now and it has already taken over. NOT GOOD! I haven't had TV for over 3 years so I'm like crazed now. Once Jenn got up we did take a walk to Casa Campo which is our fitness center about a mile away from the house...but we only went for coffee - don't be fooled! ;) When we got back we were going to clean up and have Sarah take us to the grocery store. And Honduras surprised us again with NO WATER!!! Are you kidding me? Twice in one week? So we called a few people and they were sending guys over to look at it. And before they showed up our water was back on! However, the pump is now leaking so there is obviously a problem. The bigger problem, however, is that the fixer guys don't speak English so they were telling me what was wrong and how to fix it but I couldn't understand it all so I just got frustrated and shut down. But basically, there isn't anything we can do...except convince someone to buy us a new compressor which knowing what I know of Honduras...we'd be lucky to get it before we move back to the states! So I suppose everytime we go to shower, use the bathroom, wash, it's like we're in a casino taking a gamble if the water will work or not! Fun, no?!
Well, we did get to the grocery store eventually. Jenn and I set a budget of 2000 lmps (approx $100) and we only went over by $3! We had to put off some things until later but we'll survive! The experience was still awful...too many people, different prices, weird layout, etc. Hopefully some day I'll get used to it! We came home from there, put away our groceries and sat on our butts for a while longer! We did eventually get around to getting ready and we decided to go out! A fellow teacher was having a bday party so we made plans to stop by. Jenn, Kristi, Edwin and I went out to eat first at a really nice restaurant (you def get what you pay for) and enjoyed the company of each other. We then hopped over to a salsa dance/restaurant for the party. It started a bit slow bc the dance floor was empty. I really wanted to dance but I was in a strange place and wasn't about to approach a stranger and ask him to dance. FINALLY Edwin volunteered to take me out there! We danced for quite a while and then I finally found some other dance partners! Jenn got asked to dance and she got out there! I was so proud of her! She even made a friend and exchanged emails (phone number was a little much...good decision Jenn!)
Edwin and Kristi enjoyin some Mojitos!
The night was fun. I'm glad we got out of the house and saw the other side of the city. The drive out there sucked bc I felt sick (again!) and the roads had so many pot holes that we were swerving all over the place. The way home was even worse. Their street lights kinda suck and it gets DARK here so we couldn't see all the pot holes...well that totally sucked because we ended up hitting the largest one ever and blew two tires! TWO people! And get this, she only had one spare - which didn't fit! So, Edwins sister had to meet us and bring us one of his tires. Then a kind gentleman stopped to help and we tried his spare but it was too small. We were running out of options and wasn't sure what to do. Then we called Sarah and woke her up and asked if her and her fiance could bring us their spare. Kindly, they agreed! They showed up around 2:15 and it worked!!! So we finally made it home around 3 this morning. The first thing I did was drink two bottles of water. I was dying of thirst at the club but didn't want to pay for a bottle of water so I thought I could wait til we got home. But we didn't make it home for another 2.5 hours so I was THIRSTY! But I do thank the Lord for keeping us safe and providing us with two tires! He is good!
Edwin worked VERY HARD jacking up the car and replacing the tires. And Kristi was very calm during the process...I would have been a mess. Both tires looked like that. It was awful.
Jenn was a trooper by trying...but Edwin had to take over!
Needless to say we chose not to go to church Sunday morning because we wanted to sleep! Today has been a productive day. It's been quiet. Both Jenn and I sat down and forced ourselves to work on school work. I got about 3 weeks of lessons done (for one class...only 2 more to go!) and Jenn got posters made and folders named! We fixed spaghetti for dinner and now we're being lazy! I still have syllabi to write tonight and then tomorrow back to work. No students until Wednesday but the nerves get stronger every day! I'll keep you posted on progress! Thanks for tunin in! Good Night!
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