Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Well yesterday morning started off with an interesting sting...I got a yellow fever vaccination! Here's the back story.  One of the girls I met here in Colombia (Chelsea) asked me if I got my vaccines. I looked at her a bit puzzled bc I definitely had not even looked in to that...😳. So, we decided to look up if I needed anything.  Sure enough, Ecuador requires it IF traveling from Colombia! Just my luck.  And supposedly it has to be given 10 days in advance before entry.  Well, there's no getting around that bc I'm only in Colombia 8 days total and a few of those have already passed. I'm a bit freaked out as to what may happen at the airport on Sunday??? So, prayers would be appreciated in that regard! Anyway, I figured its better to have it for 6 days or so than none.  The bonus? Vaccinations are FREE in Colombia so there's the silver lining! No harm done; except the shot was just a tad painful.

After that exciting adventure we ate some great breakfast and headed to the beach! It was the perfect day for the beach bc the sun was out but there was a nice calm breeze that helped you not melt from the heat! Well, we had spoken to soon...not more than an hour or so after arriving we realized why it was such nice weather...STORM! Granted, we were already wet from the ocean but that didn't mean we wanted all our stuff to be soaked.  Needless to say, we packed up and headed back to the hotel! My roommate and I watched 'Our Family Wedding' in Spanish (good movie btw) and then after it stopped raining, we went exploring around the city.  We found a few churches that had great character on the outside, but we were unable to see inside😞.  That put a damper on our adventure but we still got some cool pics. 

We came back to the room and chilled for a few before heading out to dinner.  We found a cute little place women air seating which was perfect after the rain...nice and cool! We met a man from New Zealand who was spending 3 months in Colombia.  When I asked him why he chose Colombia his response was 'I'm running out of countries!'  What!?  I wish I had that problem! Granted he has 30+ years on me, so maybe I can catch up...? So cool though! Anyway, that was pretty much the day! 

We are heading into our last day in Cartegena, tomorrow we venture into Bogota. Updates to come! 


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